Running Iroha Instance using docker-compose
If you want to run a single Iroha instance for you development needs, Iroha provided a very detailed document. You can find it here Just follow that and you should be good to go. But if you want an easier way then read on.
First you need to clone this Once cloned, go to example directory. Then you will need to copy these files into a directory inside your working directory, which we will call IROHA_DATA
- admin@test.priv
- config.docker
- genesis.block
- node0.priv
Then I created this docker-compose file that will create your own development instance with a single docker-compose command.
Environment Variables
Database Variables
For database variables, check the value of pg_opt inside config.docker. Format should be like this
”pg_opt” : “host=db port=5432 user=postgres password=password”,
- POSTGRES_USER Username of postgres db. This should be the same as the value of user
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD Password of postgres db. This should be the same as the value of password
- PG_PORT_CONTAINER Port of postgres db to connect to.
Iroha Variables
- IROHA_PORT_HOST Port of Host to expose.
- IROHA_PORT_CONTAINER Container port to be exposed to IROHA_PORT_HOST. This value should be the same as the value of torii_port inside config.docker.
- IROHA_KEY this will be the name of your instance. Make sure this is the same as the name of node0.priv and So if you set this to node-0 make sure to rename both files to node-0.priv and
- VOL_CONFIG_DATA the absolute or relative path where IROHA_DATA is located. Since we are using docker-compose the path can be relative to the working directory
Put everything in a .env file then run your iroha instance!
> docker-compose up
That’s it! Check your docker container if they are indeed running

Quick Check
> docker exec -it <container_id> iroha-cli -account_name admin@test
Choose the following:
> 2. New Query
> 9. Get Account Information (get_acc) Then enter account ID admin@test
> 1. Send to Iroha peer (send) Just choose the default values
You should see all details for admin@test like this